Figure 9.
Tip60 undergoes nucleo-cytoplasmic cycling and co-localizes with APP and Fe65 throughout the neurites. (A) Myc-tagged Tip60 is localized to nuclear speckles in HEK 293. Increased photomultiplier gain revealed that Tip60 is also present throughout the cytosol. Cells were counterstained with two different DNA-binding dyes (DAPI and DRAQ5) that both stain nuclei. (B) Endogenous Tip60 localizes to nuclear speckles in HEK 293 cells. Inhibition of nuclear export with LMB for 24 hours leads to a strong accumulation of Tip60 in nuclear speckles as can be seen in confocal images acquired with identical photomultiplier settings. (C) Co-transfection of Myc-Tip60, RFP-Fe65 and APP-3HA into primary neurons cultured on astrocytes. Cells were fixed 20 hours after transfection and viewed in the confocal microscope. AFT complexes were formed throughout the neurites in control cells. Inhibition of γ-secretase with DAPT leads to a strong accumulation of AFT complexes in the neurites. Boxed insert is zoomed threefold. Bar, 15 μm in A, 10 μm in B 30 μm in C and 10 μm for the enlarged insert.