Fig. 1.
Radiologic features. a, b Axial images from patient HH2017 (a), who had a history of CPP, and patient HH2015 (b), who did not have a history of CPP. Both images are T2-weighted fast spin-echo (TR/TE 4900/85 and 3600/72, respectively) with 2 mm slice thickness and 2 mm spacing. Asterisks mark hypothalamic hamartomas (medium intensity), each arrow marks the infundibulum (low to medium signal intensity and annular shape, with the central, fluid-filled infundibular recess showing high signal intensity), and arrowheads in b mark a line of high signal intensity indicating fluid between the hypothalamic hamartoma and the infundibulum. c Hamartoma volumes. Bars indicate geometric means. d Contact with the tuber cinereum and/or infundibulum (median eminence).