Figure 6.
Synchronous mitochondrial translocation of IBRDC2 and Bax. HeLa cells were co-transfected with YFP-IBRDC2 (green) and CFP-Bax (red). Cells were pretreated with zVAD-fmk, to abolish detachment of apoptotic cells, followed by treatment with 1 μM STS. (A) An example of a time-lapse experiment. Bars: 20 μm, 10 μm (detail image). (B) The averaged pixel s.d. from 10 single-cell measurements obtained on two separate occasions, representing shifts from a more homogenous distribution to increased variability, were quantified using Metamorph image analysis software (Molecular Devices) and are plotted against the time of treatment. The traces shown in (B) were scaled so that the images obtained 10 min before detectable changes in pixel s.d. were used as 0 min.