Figure 5.
Localization of Fry and Trc in da neurons. Fry-GFP was imaged in living white prepupae. Single confocal optical sections are shown. A da neuron from a ppkGAL4-UAS-mCD8RFP/UAS-myc-fry-GFP white prepupae showed bright GFP signals at nodes (arrows in A1). The RFP signal was also strong at the nodes (A2) but the merged image showed that the distribution of the two fluorescent proteins was not equivalent. The amount of dendrite branching appeared to be decreased in ppkGAL4-UAS-mCD8RFP/UAS-myc-fry-GFP da neurons (B1) compared to ppkGAL4-UAS-mCD8RFP/ppkGAL4-UAS-mCD8RFP da neurons (B2) consistent with Fry functioning to inhibit branching.