Cluster results for the CHB and JPT individuals. This figure shows the clustering
results using different distance metrics and clustering methods with a number of
genome-wide random autosomal SNP loci. In the left column, (a),
(d) and (g) correspond to the clusters generated
using the covariance matrix and PCA. In the middle column, (b),
(e) and (h) correspond to the clusters generated
using the ASD matrix and MDS. In the right column, (c),
(f) and (i) correspond to the clusters generated using
the correlation matrix and MDS. In the top row, (a),
(b) and (c), 1000 SNPs are used. In the middle row,
(d), (e) and (f), 5,000 SNPs are
used. In the bottom row, (g), (h) and
(i), 20,000 SNPs are used. Abbreviation: SNP = single nucleotide
polymorphism; PCA = principal component analysis; ASD = allele sharing distance;
MDS = multidimensional scaling.