Figure 6. Acceleration of wound healing upon ablation of Tsc1 in the skin.
(A) Representative examples of immunofluorescence in histological sections of incisional skin wounds in mice; pS6 (red), fibrin(ogen) (green), DAPI (blue), as above. The white dotted line delineates the epithelial layer from the underlining dermis. Note the expansion of pS6 (red) expression in the normal, transitional and elongated migrating tongue of the epithelial compartment of the K14Cre Tsc1 F/F mice when compared to control mice. Scale bar, 50 µm. (B) Representative H&E stained sections showing enhanced re-epithelization of the wound area as reflected by the length of the migrating epithelial tongue in the K14Cre Tsc1 F/F mice when compared to the control mice. The black lines delineate the epithelial migrating tongue. Quantification of the epithelial tongue from each genotype is represented by the dot plot (n = 10 for each genotype; scale bar, 200 µm; *p = 0.0381). (C) Representative histological sections of wounded skin from control and K14Cre Tsc1 F/F mice. The black line indicates the wound width, and the scatter plot represents the quantification of the wound width from control and K14Cre Tsc1 F/F mice (n = 6 mice per genotype; scale bar, 400 µm; **p = 0.0048).