Table 2.
Cases, animals infected by the disease (sick animals and animals that have died from the disease that have been detected in clinical outbreaks of the disease, in abattoirs or during active surveillance); Deaths, animals that have died naturally from the disease (not including those culled); Animals slaughtered, animals killed for disease control purposes; No, notifiable disease; Cr, control of wildlife reservoirs; M, monitoring; Qf, precautions at border; Qi, movement control inside the country; Sp, modified stamping out; Su, surveillance; Te, screening; Vp, vaccination prohibited; Bov, cattle; Buf, buffaloes; Cap, goats; Fau, wild animals; Ovi, sheep; n.a., no information available; n.r., disease not reported; (year), date of the last reported occurrence of the disease; † meat inspection recorded cases.