Fig. 2.
Percent maternal mortality in the Dublin Maternity Hospital (1784–1848) and in the Allgemeines Krankenhaus (AKH) (Vienna) (1784–1858). A, January 1823, Appointment of Professor Johann Klein as Professor of Obstetrics in charge of the AKH. B, January 1833, Obstetric services at the AKH split into Clinics 1 and 2. C, 19 October 1840, Staffing at the AKH split by gender with males (physicians) in Clinic 1 and females (midwives) in Clinic 2. D, 27 February 1846, Semmelweis promoted to provisional Assistant in Clinic 1. H, Late May, Semmelweis introduces chlorine washings to Clinic 1. M, 15 October, Semmelweis leaves Vienna for Budapest. Appointed honorary Senior Physician at St Rochus Hospital. 95% confidence band, smoothing parameter=0·35.