Flies doubly mutant for ds2p and dscap exhibit phenotypes similar to ds2p single mutants. Virgin ds2p2/ds2p2 females were crossed to ds2p1/CyO males. Virgin dscap4/dscap4 females were crossed to dscap4/CyO males. For the dscap ds2p double mutants, virgin ds2p2 dscap4/ds2p2 dscap4 females were crossed to ds2p1 dscap4/CyO, actin-GFP males. Heterozgous dsrebp189 males were crossed to females of the same genotype. (A) Rescue of ds2p, dscap double mutants by dietary supplementation. For each experiment, 10 vials were set up at 1 mg embryos/vial on standard medium and an additional 10 vials of each cross were set up on medium supplemented with 0.075% myristate and 0.15% oleate (C14:0 + C18:1). Shown is the mean of three independent experiments. Error bars represent the SEM. A mean of 1415 adults (range, 872–1973) were scored for each genotype and condition. (B) Lipid content of wild-type and mutant flies reared on standard medium. Lipid mass was determined as described in materials and methods. The mean of five independent determinations is shown. Error bars represent the SEM.