Figure 6.—
The homeostatic sleep response is defective in flies with reduced ecdysone signaling. (A, B, and C) Sleep patterns are depicted for the sleep response after 12 hr sleep deprivation. (D, E, and F) The ratio of the regained sleep/sleep loss was calculated for each genotype. (G, H, and I) The Δ sleep-bout duration indicates the homeostatic response to compensate for the lost sleep. Data for control flies and mutants are presented in blue and red, respectively. Genotypes and sex are indicated above each graph. (J) The total amount of 20E was measured in flies without (baseline, open bar) or with sleep deprivation (with SD, solid bar). N = 42 (EcRA483T/EcRNP5219 and control), N = 36 (DTS-3/+ and control), N = 8 (20E measurement). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Error bars represent the SEM.