A, generation of the COX-2 transgenic mouse. Human COX-2 cDNA was placed between CAG promoter and CAT cDNA. CAT cDNA is flanked by two loxP sequences. The mouse that had a synthetic CAG promoter-CAT-COX2-poly(A) construct was generated first and designated as the CATflCOX2/wt mouse. A CATflCOX2/wt mouse was mated with a Mox2-Cre mouse that ubiquitously expressed Cre recombinase. Only in mice that have both COX-2 and Cre (CATflCOX2/Cre) will an interfering CAT gene be deleted by recombination at the two loxP sites, and COX2 will be expressed. The arrows indicate the primer annealing sites for genotyping. B, genotyping of COX-2 transgenic mouse. Genomic DNAs from tails of E18.5 fetuses were amplified with the specific primer set. A 300-bp PCR product from the COX-2 transgenic fetus (CATflCOX2/Cre) was generated due to Cre-mediated excision of CAT cDNA (lane 7). Lane 1, 1-kb DNA marker; lanes 3, 6, and 8, CATflCOX2/wt. Lanes 2, 4, 5, and 9, wt/wt or wt/Cre.