Fig. 1.
Tissue injury in a minipig killed immediately after argon plasma coagulation (APC). (A) APC (5 seconds) without prior submucosal injection. (B) APC (5 seconds) after submucosal injection. (C) APC (10 seconds) without prior submucosal injection. (D) APC (10 seconds) after submucosal injection. (E) APC (20 seconds) without prior submucosal injection. (F) APC (20 seconds) after submucosal injection. Tissue coagulation was limited to the deeper submucosal layer under all the conditions. The thermal effects tended to do deeper with a longer pulse duration and no prior saline injection. With prior saline injection, the increased thickness of the submucosal layer might prevent injury to the deeper submucosal layer.