Figure 4.
Application of PEC-Plus in PCR in plasma and serum. A 189-bp target of mousepox virus (EV107 gene) was amplified by the OT/OKT mix (1:1) from 0.1 ng of viral DNA and crude samples containing virus particles, including 10% whole blood, serum, or plasma (final concentration in PCR) treated with heparin, citrate, and EDTA. The reactions were performed in the absence of enhancer or in the presence of heparin alone, a combination of heparin and trehalose, PEC, and PEC-Plus (PEC supplemented with heparin). Negative controls contained no virus DNA (N). Lane 1, DNA; lane 2, heparin-treated plasma; lane 3, citrate-treated plasma; lane 4, EDTA-treated plasma; lane 5, serum; and lane 6, heparin-treated blood. Lanes M, DNA standards ladder.