General model of changes in ecosystem entropy production during succession. Entropy production increases during the growth phase to a maximum at maturity, which is maintained for a relatively long period of time (a). If disturbance does not reset the succession then retrogression may occur. Three directional selection pressures (1–3) leading to increased entropy production at all stages of succession are shown in (b). The curves illustrate changes in entropy production during development of hypothetical communities consisting of (1) r-selected species only, (2) K-selected species only, and (3) the MEP trajectory that combines both r and K strategies, simultaneously maximizing both (i) the rate at which entropy production increases through successional time (dEP/dt), and (ii) maximum sustained entropy production at maturity (EPmature). The additional selective force (iii) is for stress-tolerating species extending the effective mature phase and postponing retrogression.