Figure 3.
Illustration of three different cases in which an internal process alters the entropy budget of the system (left diagrams) and the entropy production σab owing to the heat flux Fab, the increase of total entropy production Δσtot, and the entropy of the system S, as functions of the heat flux Fab. (a) Case (i) allows for two types of heat transfer between boxes a and b. Flux Fc operates with a fixed conductivity and the flux Fab is taken to have degrees of freedom so that its magnitude can vary. The fluxes across the system boundary are fixed in terms of their energy and entropy. Since Fout is proportional to Tb but fixed in steady state to Fin, Tb is fixed to a value of Fin/kb. (b) Case (ii) extends case (i) in which it allows flexibility in the entropy export by flux Fout from the system. The flux Fc is neglected in this set-up. (c) Case (iii) extends case (ii) in which it allows flexibility in the influx Fin as well. The graphs on the right show the resulting sensitivities of the system's entropy budget to the heat flux Fab of entropy production σab owing to the heat flux Fab, the increase in total entropy production by the system Δσtot compared with the total entropy production with Fab = 0, and the entropy of the system S. The grey area in the lowest graph indicates a region in which a particular value of heat flux Fab can result from a higher value of Fin and a comparatively lower temperature gradient or a lower value of Fin and a higher temperature gradient.