Figure 8.
(8a) Anterior (Ra) and Posterior (Rp) radii of curvature obtained from conic function fits of raw lens contours. Linear regression of curvatures as a function of age yielded Ra = 5.6 (±1.4) + 0.08 (±0.03) × Age (R = 0.47; p=0.009) and Rp = -3.81 (±0.51) - 0.05 (±0.01) × Age (R = -0.62; p=0.0002). (8b) Anterior (Ra) and Posterior (Rp) radii of curvature obtained from conic function fits of the age-dependent Fourier lens model. Linear regression of curvatures as a function of age yielded Ra = 3.9 (±0.1) + 0.11 (±0.002) × Age (R = 0.99; p<.0001) and Rp = -3.96 (±0.004) - 0.04 (±7E-5) × Age (R = -0.99; p<.0001).