Time Period |
Pre-Neolithic Cultures; More recent hunter-gatherer cultures with little outside contact |
Neolithic cultures-Early Modern Times in Western Europe and United States; Still characterizes many low-income countries |
Early Modern times to 20th century in Western Europe, United States; Occurred more recently in some other high-income countries and is in progress in lower income countries |
End of the 20th century to the present, global |
Characteristics |
Low mortality and initially high then low fertility rates
Large population size
Increased life expectancy
Varied diet, overnutrition common
Discovery of antimicrobials and vaccines, improved hygiene
Large population size
Declining life expectancy?
Failure of antimicrobials
Rapid spread of novel infections
Age of onset of chronic diseases delayed in high-income countries
Common causes of morbidity and mortality |
Infections such as tapeworms, body lice, pinworms, typhoid, staph, and possibly yaws |
Degenerative diseases such as heart failure, stroke, diabetes, cancer
Allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases
Sexually transmitted infections such as HSV-2, gonorrhea, HIV
Those diseases present in the 2nd transition
Antibiotic resistant forms of tuberculosis, strep, staph, etc.