Fig. 2.
Evaluation of the Al2O3 nanoribbons as dielectric material. (A) TEM image (SAED pattern, Inset) and (B) HRTEM image of an Al2O3 nanoribbon show nearly perfect crystalline structure with α-Al2O3 structure. (C) AFM image of an Al2O3 nanoribbon with thickness approximately 50 nm. The image area is 5 μm × 5 μm. (D) AFM image of the surface of the Al2O3 nanoribbon, highlighting the smooth surface with a rms roughness < 0.2 nm. The image area is 250 nm × 250 nm. (E) The schematic device diagram (Inset) and SEM image of an Al2O3 nanoribbon metal-insulator-metal (MIM) device. (F) Current density-electric field (J-E) curve of an MIM device made from an Al2O3 nanoribbon, and the inset shows the corresponding (F–N) curve.