Hrp48 negatively regulates Sxl expression in female developing wings. (A–F) hrp48 loss of function clones marked by the loss of GFP (A and D, green), results in Sxl up-regulation in females (E and F, red) but not in males (B and C, red). (C) Merge of A and B. (F) Merge of D and E. (G–L) hrp48 overexpression reduces Sxl protein levels. dpp-Gal4 driven UAS-hrp48 (G and J, marked by GFP, green) increases the levels of Hrp48 protein (H, gray) and reduces the levels of Sxl protein (K, gray) in females. (I) Merge of G and H. (L) Merge of J and K. (M) Quantification of Sxl expression levels in both hrp4802647/hrp4802647 mutant clones and sister wild-type twin spot clones (clonal average pixel intensity, n = 15).