Figure 8. Reduced insulin signaling and Dietary Restriction affect maintenance of learning and memory with age differently.
(A) daf-2(e1370) worms retain the ability to learn with massed training longer with age. (B) daf-2(e1370) animals learn better after spaced training than wild type on Day 4 of adulthood but do not display improved long-term memory with age. (C) eat-2(ad465) maintain spaced learning and memory with age, which is suppressed by feeding with Comamonas (D). (E) Post-developmental induction of Dietary Restriction improves maintenance of spaced learning and memory on Day 4 of adulthood. eat-2(ad465) worms were cultivated on Comamonas until Day 1 of adulthood, then switched to growth on E. coli. (B–D): Numbers under bars represent hours after 7× spaced training; (A–D): n = 6 trials; (E) n = 4 trials; ± SEM; * p<0.05, *** p<0.001.