A) Representative flow cytometrical analysis for CD11b/CD11c expression and frequency (B) and absolute number (C) of precursor and mature cDCs (B220-/CD11b+/CD11clow or CD11chigh, respectively) in blood, bone marrow and spleen from wild-type (blue bars) and Gata1low (green bars) littermates. The B220 gating is presented in Supplementary Figure 1. Frequencies observed in 4-9 mice per group are presented as mean (±SD) of results. C) Absolute numbers were calculated by multiplying the frequency presented in B with the total cell number (Supplementary Table 1). D) Levels of Gata1 mRNA expressed by cDC populations (B220-/CD11b+/CD11clow or CD11chigh) prospectively isolated from blood, marrow and spleen, compared with the levels of Gata1 expressed by megakaryocytes (MK, CD41+/CD61+) and erythroid cells (Ery, CD119+/CD71+) purified from the marrow of the same animals. Expression levels are expressed as 2-ΔCt and are presented as mean (±SD) of results obtained in 3 independent determinations per experimental point. Values statistically different by unpaired T-test analyses are indicated by * (p<0.05) and ** (p<0.01).