Figure 5. Extracellular acidification inactivates endogenous TRPM2 and reduces single channel conductance in human neutrophils.
A, example data traces of TRPM2 single-channel events evoked by a low concentration of 300 nm ADPR in the whole-cell mode and measured in a representative neutrophil at −80 mV. Cells were kept in standard extracellular solution at pH 7 (see methods). pH 5 was applied during the time indicated by the box. Ten consecutive traces are shown. Individual traces are 20 s long. Gaps between traces indicate a 1 s break in data acquisition. A total of 5 additional cells showed similar results. B, all-point histogram of single channel events measured at pH 7 and extracted between 0 s and 70 s from data shown in panel A. Data were fitted with Gaussian functions to estimate the single-channel current. C, all-point histogram of single-channel events measured at pH 5 and extracted between 86 s and 115 s from data shown in panel A. Data were fitted with Gaussian functions to estimate the single channel current.