(A, see it in the previous page) Results of hierarchical clustering based on multiple morphological elements in the form of a dendrogram (upper panel). A threshold (upper panel, dashed line) was set to divide lung tumors into four clusters (A to D). Proportions of different patterns for each morphological element among individual tumors are plotted below the dendrogram. The morphological elements analyzed were as follows; histological architecture (second panel: BAC, bronchioloalveolar; TUB, tubular; ACN, acinar; DCT, ductular; TRB, trabecular; PAP, papillary; SOL, solid; SGR, single; SRT, striated; NER, neuroendocrinal), cell type (third panel: HCL, high columnar; LCL, low columnar; SPH, spheroid; HOB, hobnail; PLG, polygonal; GLB, global; SMR, small round; SPN, spindle), cytoplasmic color (fourth panel: EOS, eosinophilic without keratinization: CHR, chromophobic; BAS, basophilic; KRT, eosinophilic with keratinization), cytoplasmic internal structure (fifth panel: HMG, homogenous; CLR, clear; FGR, fine granular; CGR, coarse granular; FVS, fine vesicular; CVS, coarse vesicular), nuclear outline (sixth panel: SMT, smooth; GRV, groovy; WKL, winkled), chromatin pattern (seventh panel: HMG, homogenous; GGL, ground glass; FGR, fine granular; CGR, coarse granular; CLR, clear), count of nucleoli (eighth panel: NL1, 0 to 1 nucleoli/cell; NL2, 2 to 3 nucleoli/cell; NL3, more nucleoli/cell), remarkableness of nucleoli (ninth panel: NLO, obscure; NLM, modest; NLP, prominent), adjusted (%) nuclear size (tenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) nuclear size variance (eleventh panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) nuclear circularity (twelfth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) nuclear circularity variance (thirteenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) chromatin density (fourteenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) chromatin density variance (fifteenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), adjusted (%) chromatin granularity (sixteenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%), and adjusted (%) chromatin granularity variance (seventeenth panel; maximal value on the Y axis is 100%). (B) Five-year disease-free survival curves evaluated from a Kaplan-Meier analysis among the morphometric clusters. CLST means cluster. Values in parentheses are estimated five-year disease-free survival rates.