Figure 3.
Baseline 2-DG uptake rate. (A): 72 hours after myocardial infarction, the 2-DG uptake rate was significantly increased in untreated (PBS) and control MSC-treated animals; also in the Akt-MSC group the 2-DG uptake rate was increased compared with the sham group, but it was significantly lower than in the PBS and MSC groups. (B): At 2 weeks, the 2-DG uptake rate was normalized in the Akt-MSC-treated hearts, whereas it was still significantly higher in both the PBS and MSC groups when compared with the sham. Statistics: *, p < .05 versus sham; §, p < .05 versus PBS group; #, p < .05 versus control MSC group. (C): Scatterplot showing direct correlation between 2-DG uptake rate and wet weight of the infarcted tissue. (D): The LV developed pressure was plotted against 2-DG uptake and the result was a significant inverse correlation. Abbreviations: Akt-MSC, MSCs overexpressing Akt1; 2-DG, 2-deoxy-glucose; LV, left ventricular; MSC, mesenchymal stem cells; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.