Table 5.
Pattern | AU30 | DS30 | TD18 |
Rapid decline | 11 (48%) | 12 (41%) | 27 (48%) |
Sustained | 1 (4%)* | 5 (17%) | 15 (27%)* |
Strengthening | 6 (26%) | 12 (41%) | 14 (25%) |
Low | 5 (22%)** | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%)** |
AU autism, DS Down syndrome, and TD typical development group; subscripts refer to average age (in months) at observation. Scores are number of children exhibiting a pattern (with percentage of group in parentheses). Group percentages may not sum exactly to 100% due to rounding. One and two asterisks indicate cell frequencies significantly below (subscripts) and above (superscripts) their expected values, p < .05 and < .01, respectively