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. 2010 Apr 22;7:76. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-7-76

Table 5.

Substitutions that differ in frequency between SI+ and previous isolates with Da > 0.10.

Genome SI+ Prev. publ. RSCU RSCU
Region Da codon Codon SI+ Prev. publ.
M segment
5' noncoding
42 5'NC 0.143 A G - -
478 Val 0.143 GUA GUG 0.254 0.210
658 Gln 0.143 CAA CAG 0.540 0.460
697 Leu 0.143 UUG UUA 0.233 0.300
991 Ile 0.143 AUU AUA 0.287 0.544
1204 Leu -0.027 - 0.357 CUA CUU 0.177 0.116
1207 Phe 0.143 UUC UUU 0.453 0.547
1288 Leu 0.143 UUA UUG 0.300 0.233
1306 Phe 0.143 UUU UUC 0.547 0.453
1327 Cys 0.143 UGU UGC 0.472 0.528
1501 Thr 0.143 ACU ACC 0.316 0.173
1543 Pro 0.182 CCG CCA 0.054 0.492
1639 Leu 0.143 CUG CUA 0.114 0.177
1690 Arg 0.143 AGG AGA 0.422 0.578
1951 Gly 0.143 GGA GGG 0.288 0.114
1984 Leu 0.143 CUG CUA 0.114 0.177
2002 His 0.143 CAC CAU 0.354 0.646
2584 Gly 0.143 GGA GGG 0.288 0.274
2929 Pro 0.182 CCA CCG 0.492 0.054
3169 Lys 0.143 AAG AAA 0.381 0.619
3214 His 0.143 CAC CAU 0.354 0.646
3310 Gly 0.182 GGA GGG 0.288 0.274
3754 Val 0.143 GUA GUG 0.254 0.210
3916 Leu 0.143 UUA UUG 0.300 0.233
4066 Asn 0.143 AAC AAU 0.307 0.693
4156 Lys 0.143 AAG AAA 0.381 0.619
3' noncoding
4395 3'NC 0.143 G A - -
4430 3'NC 0.143 C U - -
4482 3'NC 0.143 G A - -
L segment
817 Ser 0.300 UCA UCG 0.269 0.048
3' noncoding
6888 3'NC 0.300 U C - -

Average 0.317 0.362
T-test [25 d.f.] prob. 0.130

All codon substitutions are synonymous. The codon used and the associated RSCU are listed for each substitution. Grey highlighted values differed by > 0.1 between the previously published and SI+ isolates. The average RSCU for previously published and SI+ isolates appears at the bottom of the table. The probability value is from a pair-wise t-test of differences in RSCU between SI+ and previously published isolates.