CSL and CSL derivatives, CA16 and CA19, attenuate tumor metastasis in vivo. A, CSL, CA16, or CA19 inhibits lung lesions of human LU1205 cells. Tail vein injection of human melanoma LU1205 cells was followed by analysis of lung lesions. The effect of these compounds on the number and size of lesions obtained after H&E staining on serial sections of lungs was calculated. Average number of lesions was calculated within serial sections of the lungs from every mouse in two independent experiments. n = 10. B, CSL, CA16, or CA19 inhibits lung metastasis of SW1 tumor. S.c. injection of SW1 cells resulted in tumors (Fig. 4B) that within 6 to 8 wk metastasize to the lungs (29). Average number of metastatic lesions in the lungs and the mediastinal lesions was calculated based on analysis of several sections representing different longitudinal sections within the lungs. The change in metastatic lesions was divided based on the size of the lesions, as indicated in A. Data represent average of two experiments. n = 7