Effect of the local context on antisense response of ISS-N1-targeting ASOs. (A) Diagrammatic representation of the target area in intron 7 of SMN2 minigene and its four mutants. ISS-N1 is highlighted in gray. The first C residue in ISS-N1 is marked as 10C or 15C, depending on its position relative to the beginning of intron 7. Of note, numbering of intronic residues starts with the first position of intron 7. Five-nt-long insertions immediately upstream of ISS-N1 in SMN2/5A or SMN2/5G minigenes are boxed and shown in capital letters. (B) In vivo splicing pattern of wild-type and mutant SMN2 minigenes shown in panel A. The minigenes were cotransfected with an ASO of interest. Cotransfections and splicing analysis were done similarly as in Figure 2A.