Mean (±SEM) absolute body composition, assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, at baseline and at the endpoint of a 16-wk weight-loss program that included either olive oil (baseline = black bars; endpoint = dark gray bars; n = 15) or medium-chain triacylglycerol (MCT) oil (baseline = white bars; endpoint = light gray bars; n = 16). There was a trend for a diet-by-week interaction on lean tissue (P = 0.0921). There was a trend for a diet-by-week interaction on absolute total fat mass (P = 0.0710) and fat mass (P = 0.071) and a trend for a diet effect on fat mass (P = 0.0707). There was a significant effect of week on fat mass (P = 0.0013). *Significantly different from endpoint olive oil, unadjusted P < 0.05.