Fig. (2).
Geography of the most frequent HLA-DRB1 alleles and HLA extended haplotypes (the latter are ordered by frequency) in indigenous populations of America. Most frequent North American DRB1 alleles are represented in blue. “Specific alleles” are highlighted in red. Specific alleles in fact, are “quasi-specific” alleles (see [58]) being found in a very low frequency in Amerindian neighbouring populations, other North American Amerindians, Pacific Islanders, Eskimos, Athabaskans, East Asians (Ainu, Japanese). DRB1*0411 and DRB1*0417 are found in Meso and South American Amerindians (represented in bold red colour). aYupik (9.3%); Aleuts (6.9%). bAleuts (8.3%). cAleuts (6.9%); Yupik (5.4%); Taiwan (6.0%); Inuit and Japanese. dYupik (6.6%). eYupik (6.0%). fSeri (18.2%); Teeneks (15.5%); Mayans (10.6%); Mayos (7.3%); Mixtecans (3%); Mazatecans (2.5%); Aymaras (1.7%); Peruvians (1.7%). gMazatecans (10.8%); Mixe (9%); Mayans (4.2%); Teeneks (3.7%); Terena Indians (2.3%). hAymaras (10.4%); Mayans (8.4%); Nahuas (6.1%); Mixtecans (6%); Tarahumara (3.4%); Seri (4.5%); Yupik (3.1%); Zapotecans (3%); Mixe (1.5%). iMayos (8.2%); Mazatecans (3.3%). jMayans (6.4%); Teeneks (5.2%). kUros (13.5%); Aymaras (10.4%); Peruvians (9.6%); Mayans (8.4%); Quechuas (6.5%); Nahuas (6.1%); Mixtecans (6%); Seri (4.5%); Tarahumara (3.4%); Zapotecans (3%); Mixe (1.5%). lAinu (8.0%); Quechuas (4.3%); Mayans (0.7%). mUros (6.8%); Mixtecans (5%); Mayans (4.2%); Teeneks (3.7%); Aymaras (3.1%); Lamas (2.4%); Seri (2.3%); Terena Indians (2.3%); Quechuans (2.2%). nUros (6.3%); Quechuans (2.9%); Mayans (0.7%). oLamas (5.9%); Aymaras (2.3%) Mayans (0.7%).
See references: [14,25-27,30-37,58].
It was considered for figure elaboration: 1) Most frequent extended four loci haplotypes in North America were taken from Aleuts [14]; Lakota-Sioux [24] and Yupik [58]. The five most frequent ones were chosen from each population; 2) Most frequent DRB1 alleles in North America were taken (all) from Athabaskans, Canadian Penutians, Tlingit [55], Lakota-Sioux [24], Yupik [58], Aleuts [14] and Zuni. They are represented in blue color; 3) Most frequent extended four loci haplotypes in Meso and South America were taken from Arnaiz-Villena et al. papers (Table 1); 4) Most frequent DRB1 alleles in Meso and South American Amerindians were taken from Table 1 (Arnaiz-Villena et al. papers) and see [58]. Highest frequencies DRB1 alleles found were: DRB1*0301, 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0407, 0411, 0417, 1301, 1402, 1406, 1602, 0802 and 0901.