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. 2010 Jan 28;181(10):1049–1060. doi: 10.1164/rccm.200906-0857OC



Original SSP ID No. P Value Experimental kDa Experimental pI Mean Spot Volume, HS Mean Spot Volume, COPD Stage 2 Mean Fold Change Protein ID
2304 1 26.6 4.8 −7* Apolipoprotein A1 (5)
1019 2 +9* Not detected
7203 3 +9* Not detected
6606 4 0.002 46.8 5.5 1,085.8 2,469.9 2.3 Hypothetical protein (1)
5201 5 0.002 25.2 5.4 9,076.8 4,386.1 0.5 Albumin (4)
3107 6 0.004 16.7 4.9 11,974.6 17,568.2 1.5 PSP94 (2)
6317 7 0.004 26.8 5.6 8,872.1 5,009.3 0.6 Albumin (8)
2308 8 0.006 26.3 4.9 2,301.3 498.6 0.2 Apolipoprotein A1 (11)
6002 9 0.006 13.0 5.5 964.3 1,935.3 2.0 Apolipoprotein A1 (4)
7112 10 0.006 15.7 5.9 24,410.6 12,301.0 0.5 Albumin (6)
3713 11 0.006 49.3 5.0 757.1 381.2 0.5 Albumin (12)
2709 12 0.007 54.5 4.8 796.3 428.9 0.5 Albumin (3)
8721 13 0.008 2,432.0 1,204.8 0.5 Not detected
1122 14 0.013 18.1 4.7 5,176.9 2,891.5 0.6 Lipocalin-1 (3)
2506 15 0.013 35.6 4.7 453.3 1,284.3 2.8 Albumin (3)
4626 16 0.013 47.3 5.4 1,178.9 2,154.3 1.8 Lactoferrin (6)
3220 17 0.014 23.7 5.1 698.8 430.3 0.6 Apolipoprotein A1 (1)
302 18 0.015 27.4 0 10,628.1 15,246.1 1.4 IgJ (2)PLUNC (1)
2009 19 0.017 12.5 4.8 1,136.9 514.1 0.5 Albumin (2)
3013 20 0.017 13.2 5.0 2,354.6 1,536.6 0.7 Albumin (2)
4414 21 0.017 30.2 5.3 2,253.6 1,195.0 0.5 Zinc-α2-glycoprotein (2)
1606 22 0.02 45.5 0 1,587.5 2,785.3 1.8 Albumin (4)
6619 23 0.022 46.5 5.7 670.4 1,356.1 2.0 Albumin (7)
4202 24 0.023 20.5 5.1 1,126.6 514.8 0.5 α2-HS glycoprotein (2)Transferrin (2)α1-Antitrypsin (4)Albumin (16)
3607 25 0.026 47.7 4.9 1,530.9 2,553.0 1.7 α2-HS glycoprotein (2)Hemoglobin (1)
4002 26 0.026 3,642.9 6,634.8 1.8 Not detected
7104 27 0.026 16.7 5.8 4,960.4 1,830.9 0.4 Lactoferrin (4)Albumin (2)
5905 28 0.028 75.0 5.5 1,359.8 2,653.9 1.9 Albumin (7)
4418 29 0.029 31.8 5.4 2,512.3 1,587.5 0.6 Albumin (4)
4625 30 0.029 44.5 5.4 4,071.2 2,420.9 0.6 Transthyretin (3)IgA (1)
4101 31 0.029 17.1 5.1 793.6 411.3 0.5 Transthyretin (3)IgA (1)
4623 32 0.031 46.7 5.3 2,710.0 4,431.2 1.6 Albumin (3)Unnamed protein (2)Lactoferrin (1)
4713 33 0.033 49.9 5.3 5,027.5 2,735.4 0.5 Albumin (9)
4104 34 0.035 329.3 562.5 1.7 Not detected
8008 35 0.038 12.6 0 1,971.7 2,566.3 1.3 SAP (1)
3206 36 0.042 21.5 4.9 7,407.0 4,276.0 0.6 Albumin (3)
3208 37 0.042 23.5 4.9 12,879.1 6,916.0 0.5 Albumin (4)
3212 38 0.043 630.6 290.7 0.5 Not detected
2521 39 0.049 339.9 608.6 1.8 Not detected
2111 40 0.05 18.0 4.8 10,164.1 5,889.4 0.6 Lipocalin-1 (4)

Definition of abbreviations: α2-HS glycoprotein = α2-Heremans–Schmid glycoprotein; 2-DGE = two-dimensional gel electrophoresis; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HS = healthy smokers; pI = isoelectric point; PLUNC = palate, lung, and nasal epithelium clone protein; PSP94 = prostate secretory protein of 94 amino acids; SAP = salivary acidic protein; SSP = sample spot protein.

Protein spots determined as significant (P ≤ 0.05) from comparison of healthy smokers and smokers with stage 2 COPD.

Sputum 2-DGE spot profiles were excised from gels and subjected to tandem mass spectrometry to determine protein identifications. Values in parentheses denote the number of peptides detected per protein.


For qualitatively detected protein spots, spot differences are expressed as the difference in the number of gels containing that protein spot between the two groups, according to the principle stated in Methods.