Figure 1.
Lung physiology. Per protocol, ventilation was carefully regulated for both groups. (A) Premature newborn lambs were resuscitated after birth by ventilation with peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) 40 cm H2O, resulting in (B) mean Pco2 40 mm Hg and (C) mean Vt 11 ml/kg for both groups. Surfactant was given at 20 minutes of age and ventilation was changed (C) to regulate Vt at 8 to 9 ml/kg, requiring (A) a mean PIP of 27 cm H2O for both groups. These data indicate that lung immaturity, as well as ventilatory support of the premature lambs, was comparable between control lambs and lambs treated with recombinant human SP-D (+rhSP-D). Some error bars are within symbols.