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. 2010 May 3;10:127. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-127

Table 2.

Pairwise comparison between mouse Pl10 (mPl10) and the non-annotated homologous regions in eutheria.

Genomic Position of Non-annotated PL10 Homologs Identity with m Pl10 (%) Alignment Coverage with m Pl10 (%)* Aligned Segment NumberΔ Putative Peptide Length (aa)#
Human Chr4 (HSA4) 80.08 100.00 1 84
Human ChrX (HSAX) 78.52 98.38 2 (Ins: 8958 bp) 241(DDX3Y)
Chimp Chr4 (PTR4) 74.83 81.93 1 84
Chimp ChrX (PTRX) 78.37 98.34 2 (Ins: 1134 bp; Ns: 3010 bp) 472(DDX3X)
Orangutan Chr4 (PPY4) 79.80 74.18 2 (Ns: 463 bp) 132
Orangutan ChrX (PPYX) 80.94 67.42 1 124(DDX3Y)
Mouse Chr1 (MMU1) 79.45 95.41 1 349(DDX3X)
Rat Chr19 (RNO19) 80.27 51.08 3 (Ns: 1509 bp; Ins: 316 bp; Gap: 962 bp) 192(DDX3X)
Dog Chr22 (CFA22) 73.00 58.00 1 N/A
Horse Chr17 (ECA17) 75.98 96.82 1 N/A
Cow Chr15 (BTA15) 81.00 72.52 1 N/A

* The alignment coverage was calculated based on the pairwise alignment between the mouse Pl10 and identified homologous regions.

Δ Ns: the homologous region contains incomplete sequences. Ins: the homologous region is interrupted by non-homologous sequences. Gap: part of mPl10 was not alignable with the detected homologous sequences.

# The peptides were predicted via GENSCAN [18]. The protein name in parenthesis indicated the matched entries with lowest e-value in blastp analysis. N/A: not applied.