Luciferase assay results under following conditions: (A) pGAMPAC-ChREBP, pG5-luc and pRL-TK, (B) pGAMPAC-CA-ChREBP, pG5-luc and pRL-TK, (C) pGAMPAC-ChREBP, pG5-luc, pRL-TK and indicated amount of pcDNA3.1-cG6Pase or pcDNA3.1 were cotransfected into 832/13 cells. Transfected cells were incubated in media with low glucose concentration (2.5 mM) overnight, and then treated with 2.5 (open bar) or 27.5 (solid bar) mM glucose, and for (A) and (B), also indicated concentrations of D-mannoheptulose, for 6 hrs. * p< 0.05; ** p<0.005 vs vehicle treated at 27.5 mM glucose (A) or empty vector transfected at 27.5 mM glucose (C).