Figure 1.
The Rna15 RRM-RNA interaction. (A) Superimposition of three 15N-1H correlation NMR experiments recorded during titrations of Rna15(1-94)-ht with either the UGGCG or UAUUU ribo-oligonucleotides. The spectrum free Rna15(1-94)-ht (magenta), together with 1: 3 molar ratios of Rna15(1-94)-ht:UAUUU (blue) and Rna15(1-94)-ht:UGGCG (gold) are shown. Arrows connect the free and bound positions of two representative resonances. The resonances of the same residues are perturbed by interaction with the two RNAs, but larger shifts occur when the UGCGG sequence is added. (B) RNA binding affinity for different sequences measured by changes in fluorescence intensity of 5′-Tetrachloro-fluorescein labelled RNAs. Titration curves for UGUUGU, UUUUUU, UGUUUG, UCUUCU, UAUUAU, AGAAGA and ACAACA are shown. The fraction of bound RNA (ΔF/Fmax) is plotted against total Rna15(16–111) concentration. Equilibrium association constants determined by fitting a hyperbolic binding isotherm to the titration data are shown below.