Fatigue loading creates a non-displaced fracture and triggers a local periosteal response. Longitudinal sections of fatigue-loaded ulnae (H&E) show that the fracture occurred as a non-displaced, oblique crack through the medial cortex (arrows). On day 1 after loading, a clot is seen on both ends of the crack. On day 3, the periosteum is expanded and filled with cellular, fibrovascular tissue; nascent woven bone is seen sub-periosteally. On days 7 and 11 there is abundant woven bone on the medial periosteum. In approximately one-half of specimens the callus contained no cartilage (not shown), but in the others there was cartilage (*) in the center of the woven bone. [M] muscle; [CB] cortical bone; [WB] woven bone. Scale bar = 500 μm.