Table II. Comorbidities of Lifetime Suicide Attempts with Lifetime DSM-IV Disorders in the Mexican National Comorbidity Survey (M-NCS).
Response variable: Lifetime Attempt among part II sample=2362 |
Bivariate models with each disorder in separate modela |
Multivariate models with all disorders in the same modela |
Multivariate models with all disorders in the same model. Controlling for number of other disordersa |
OR (95% CI) | χ 2 | OR (95% CI) | χ 2 | OR (95% CI) | χ 2 | |
I. Anxiety Disorders | ||||||
Panic Disorder | 4.2* (1.6–10.8)* | 9.3(0.002)* | 0.9 (0.2–4.1) | 0.0(0.88) | 1.1 (0.2–5.0) | 0.0(0.91) |
General Anxiety Disorder | 5.3* (1.8–15.5)* | 9.7(0.002)* | 2.4 (0.8–7.3) | 2.3(0.13) | 2.4 (0.7–8.4) | 1.9(0.16) |
Specific Phobia | 5.0* (3.0–8.4)* | 39.3(<.001)* | 2.6* (1.5–4.7)* | 12.0(<.001)* | 2.5* (1.4–4.5)* | 9.3(0.002)* |
Social Phobia | 6.6* (4.2–10.4)* | 70.6(<.001)* | 1.5 (0.9–2.7) | 2.2(0.14) | 1.8* (1.1–3.1)* | 4.9(0.027)* |
PTSD | 11.2* (5.6–22.2)* | 49.7(<.001)* | 2.6* (1.1–6.3)* | 4.5(0.034)* | 3.7* (1.5–9.2)* | 8.2(0.004)* |
Separation Anxiety Disorder | 5.9* (3.2–10.9)* | 34.1(<.001)* | 2.6* (1.3–5.4)* | 7.0(0.008)* | 2.8* (1.3–6.2)* | 6.7(0.010)* |
Agoraphobia | 7.4* (3.3–16.3)* | 25.0(<.001)* | 2.4* (1.0–5.6)* | 4.4(0.035)* | 2.5* (1.2–5.2)* | 6.2(0.013)* |
Any Anxiety Disorder | 5.9* (3.7–9.5)* | 55.9(<.001)* | ||||
II. Mood Disorders | ||||||
Major Depressive Disorder | 6.3* (4.1–9.7)* | 72.9(<.001)* | 1.8 (1.0–3.2) | 3.8(0.05) | 1.9 (0.9–3.9) | 3.4(0.06) |
Dysthymia | 9.5* (4.8–18.9)* | 42.8(<.001)* | 1.4 (0.4–5.0) | 0.3(0.60) | 2.0 (0.7–6.2) | 1.6(0.20) |
Bipolar Disorder | 8.5* (4.2–17.3)* | 37.0(<.001)* | 1.6 (0.6–4.3) | 0.9(0.35) | 2.3 (1.0–5.3) | 3.7(0.06) |
Any Mood Disorder | 6.8* (4.5–10.2)* | 86.6(<.001)* | ||||
III. Impulse-Control Disorders | ||||||
ODD | 8.5* (4.6–15.8)* | 47.9(<.001)* | 2.7* (1.1–6.6)* | 5.1(0.024)* | 3.0* (1.4–6.5)* | 7.7(0.006)* |
Conduct Disorder | 20.8* (6.7–64.8)* | 28.6(<.001)* | 6.3* (1.0–40.9)* | 3.9(0.048)* | 6.7* (1.4–32.8)* | 5.8(0.016)* |
ADHD | 6.0* (3.2–10.9)* | 34.3(<.001)* | 1.3 (0.4–4.0) | 0.3(0.62) | 1.5 (0.6–4.2) | 0.7(0.40) |
Any Impulse-Control Disorder | 8.6* (4.3–17.2)* | 39.4(<.001)* | ||||
IV. Substance Use Disorder | ||||||
Alcohol Abuse or Dep. | 12.8* (7.5–21.7)* | 92.7(<.001)* | 6.1* (2.6–14.1)* | 18.2(<.001)* | 6.6* (2.8–15.3)* | 19.8(<.001)* |
Drug Abuse or Dep. | 17.7* (7.9–39.3)* | 51.7(<.001)* | 2.0 (0.4–10.6) | 0.6(0.43) | 2.6 (0.6–11.1) | 1.8(0.18) |
Any Substance Use Disorder | 13.5* (7.9–23.2)* | 93.9(<.001)* | ||||
V. Any Disorder | 9.1* (5.8–14.5)* | 91.6(<.001)* | ||||
Overall Group Effect χ2 b | .* (.-.)* | 297.3(<.001)* | .* (.-.)* | 38.2(<.001)* |
Abbreviations: OR, odds-ratio; CI, confidence interval; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; ODD, oppositional-defiant disorder; ADHD, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
P<.05, two-sided test.
Models are all in survival framework and all control for age, age-squared, sex, cohorts, and int categories. Int categories have cut-off points of 1–5,6–10,11–15,....70–75 up to largest int available in dataset. Bivariate model assessed in Part I or II depending on the disorder. Multivariate models assessed in Part II sample; impulse disorders set to “No” in cases with age>44.
Group effect chisquare is for the multi-df tests to assess any difference between all the disorders, while the individual chi-squares only tests yes vs no for each disorder.