Facilitator’s responses
Keep temper in check
Reinforce appropriate behavior: “You know, John, I think it is really great the way you are focusing on what Diane has to say right now.”
Summarize, reframe, and move on: “You make some interesting points, I wonder though, if we can go back to a point that was made earlier, _________.” or “I am sorry that I interrupted you, unfortunately we only have a brief period of time and I really want to get to ___________.”
Actively involve participant in constructive participation, for example, ask the person to role-play with their partner: “Wow, you are really full of energy today. Maybe we can harness that and have you act out a role play with [partner’s name].”
Ask the other participants for any comments that lead back to the topic: “That’s great, you’ve really given the group a lot to think about, let’s see if anyone else wants to respond. ”
If participant is unable to participate constructively, take the person aside and suggest that he/she leave and come back later in the session (in extreme situations only). Check in with person at the end of the session: “Alex, it seems as if it is difficult for you to participate in the session in a way that feels calm and constructive. Are you okay? I’d like to take a minute to help you explore what might be bothering you. Let’s step outside for a few minutes and we’ll rejoin the session later.”