Body size of weanlings. A, Male and female BPA pups were heavier at 3 wk of age compared with control and DES pups [ANCOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests: for males, P (maternal treatment) <0.000001, P (BPA vs. control) <0.01, P (BPA vs. DES) <0.01, P (litter size) <0.000001; for females, P (maternal treatment) <0.000001, P (BPA vs. control) <0.01, P (BPA vs. DES) <0.001, P (litter size) <0.000001]. B, Body length was measured in a subset of animals (n = 10 sex/maternal treatment) at 4 wk of age. Among males, control mice were significantly shorter than both BPA and DES mice. Among females, the trend was similar, but the differences were not significant when litter size was included in the model [ANCOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests: for males, P (maternal treatment) <0.01, P (control vs. BPA) <0.05, P (control vs. DES) <0.01, P (litter size) <0.059; for females, P (maternal treatment) <0.098, P (litter size) <0.05]. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.