Fig. 3.
Longitudinal sections through micropylar and chalazal areas of seeds of G. carolinianum allowed to imbibe acid fuchsin for different periods of time: (A) micropylar region of an impermeable seed before imbibition; (B) micropylar region of a permeable seed before imbibition; (C), (E), (F) and (G) micropylar region of permeable seeds with opened water gap after 5 min, 2 h, 3·5 h and 4 h, respectively; (D) both chalazal and micropylar regions of a permeable seed after 1·5 h; (H) chalazal region of a permeable seed after 1·5 h; (I) micropylar region of an impermeable seed after 4 h. Abbreviations: Ch, chalaza; Chp, chalazal plug; Em, embryo; Hv, hinged valve (opened); [Hv], hinged valve (closed); Mi, micropyle; Mmo, multi-layered middle parenchyma cells; Op, outermost polygonal parenchyma cell layer; Pa, palisade cells; Pch, parenchyma cells of micropyle; R, radicle; Spa, subpalisade cells; SpaL, elongated subpalisade cells of micropylar region; Spal, elongated subpalisade cells of chalazal region. A cross in a circle indicates presence of acid fuchsin dye in different cell layers; an asterisk indicates regions which have imbibed.