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. 2010 Apr 30;10:109. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-10-109

Table 5.

Estimation of child-years of protection achieved with Global Fund-supported ITN deliveries and associated lives saved from malaria cumulatively between 2003 and December 2007.

Region Countries ITNs distributed Cumulative child-years of protection, by end-2007 Cumulative lives saved
(95% UR)
East Africa 22,520,505 13,603,974 66,806 (11,134-122,477)
Burundi 1,055,968 787,845
Comoros 93,000 46,163
CONGO, Dem. Rep. 1,040,995 786,925
Eritrea 119,522 120,821
Ethiopia 9,449,834 6,418,971
Kenya 3,354,177 446,860
Madagascar 2,639,436 2,770,712
Rwanda 2,471,837 648,463
Tanzania incl. Zanzibar 2,295,736 1,577,214
Western Africa 7,084,987 6,217,647 28,896 (5,293-52,499)
Benin 359,371 400,141
Burkina Faso 395,798 411,034
Cameroon 1,159,084 797,029
Gabon 196,611 143,482
Gambia 194,861 148,786
Ghana 2,012,569 2,150,717
Guinea 65,500 73,994
Guinea-Bissau 66,471 61,153
Liberia 491,225 237,882
Nigeria 1,099,384 863,552
Sao Tome & Principe 53,974 9,771
Senegal 445,470 351,348
Sierra Leone 124,669 107,617
Togo 420,000 461,141
Southern Africa 5,218,836 2,627,030 15,484 (2,408-28,560)
Angola 2,999,000 477,524
Malawi 2,390,000 247,799
Mozambique 3,620,000 345,290
Namibia 249,000 124,970
Swaziland 147,000 33,111
Zambia 1,993,000 1,185,976
Zimbabwe 1,706,000 212,361
North Africa & Middle East ($$) 3,480,253 3,382,288 17,167 (2,372-31,961)
Mali 219,985 240,464
Mauritania 158,000 138,631
Niger 2,120,092 2,207,591
Somalia 200,668 226,690
Sudan 486,433 387,283
Yemen 295,075 Not included in Lives saved estimation
East Asia (#) 4,505,913 1,391 (117-2,665)
Papua New Guinea 231,000 260,955
South Asia 2,178,314 Not included in Lives saved estimation
Eastern Europe & Central Asia 48,400 Not included in Lives saved estimation
Latin America & Caribbean 602,895 Not included in Lives saved estimation

TOTAL 45,233,035
TOTAL: sub-Saharan Africa + PNG 38,240,506 25,910,265 130,000 (27,000-232,000)

ITN results are from country reports to Global Fund secretariat. Table excludes multi-country grants in the Western Pacific and Andean Americas. Country groupings, including certain regions, are as per the Global Fund regional categorizations PNG = Papua New Guinea.

$$In the North Africa & Middle East region, Yemen was included in the regional totals for ITN numbers and for population at risk, but not in the estimation of Lives saved. Yemen was not included in the total for 'sub-Saharan Africa + PNG'.

# All 9 East Asia countries were included in ITN numbers, but only Papua New Guinea was included in the estimation of Lives saved.

* Weighted by country population size.

Example calculations of child-years of protection achieved and lives saved by country-reported ITN distributions are given in Additional file 1.