FIG. 5.
Confocal microscopy of CT153 expression in chlamydia-infected cells. C. trachomatis-infected HeLa cells were fixed late in the developmental cycle and were immunolabeled with anti-MOMP and anti-CT153 (A to C) or anti-Hsp60 (D to F) Abs. (A to C) CT153 was distinct from MOMP and localized to RBs lining the inclusion membrane and to regions of the inclusion near the nucleus (arrows) and to large RB-like structures that may contact the inclusion membrane at points beyond the confocal plane (arrowheads). (D to F) Like CT153, Hsp60 labeled RBs adjacent to the inclusion membrane (arrows) and larger RBs (arrowheads). CT153 and Hsp60 staining was not a fixation artifact, because identical staining patterns were observed in methanol-fixed cells (data not shown), and this pattern of staining has been independently observed for Hsp60 and CT155 by other investigators (2, 4, 25, 37). The nucleus is outlined by a white dotted line and is stained blue in the overlay. N; host cell nucleus. Single representative confocal sections are shown.