Figure 6. Monomeric proton channels (mVSOPΔNΔC or HV1ΔC) are less sensitive to the slowing effect of Zn2+ than WT dimeric channels (mVSOP or HV1).
Plotted is the mean ±s.e.m. residual slowing after correction for the observed shift of the gH–V relationship in each cell at each [Zn2+]. Slowing is defined as the ratio τact(Zn2+)/τact, which was determined at moderate depolarizations in the voltage range where τact is approximately exponentially dependent on voltage. For mVSOPΔNΔC and mVSOP, n= 3–4; for HV1 and HV1ΔC, n= 8–11. *P < 0.05 for truncated vs. WT channels.