Figure 3.
‘Winner take all’ displays across age. As previously observed, the color-coded thalamus based on the winner take all strategy in adults shows a functional organization that is remarkably similar to known nuclear groupings in the primate thalamus. However, the picture is different in adolescents and children. In agreement with Figure 2, in both adolescents and to a greater extent children, thalamo-temporal interactions encompass a greater portion of anterior and midline thalamus, while the frontal lobe interactions encompass much less of the anterior portions of the thalamus. In children, thalamo-temporal interactions not only encroach on areas that, in adults, are dominated by thalamo-frontal interactions, but also impinge on thalamic zones that later become functionally more connected with motor/premotor, somatosensory, and occipical/parietal cortex (also see Movies in Supplementary Material); Transverse Z = +8, Sagittal X = −12, Coronal Y = −27.