Figure 2.
CCL20/CCR6 protein expression in pancreatic diseases. [A] CCL20 protein concentrations (pg/ml pro mg total protein) in chronic pancreatitis (CP, n = 22), pancreatic cystadenomas (PA, n = 11), pancreatic carcinoma (PCA, n = 25) compared to the matched normal pancreatic tissue levels (mean ± SEM), * p < 0.05. [B] Expression of chemokine receptor CCR6 in CP, PA and PCA as determined by Western blot analysis. Total cell lysates of tumor tissues of representative patients of each disease entity were immunoblotted with antibodies specifically recognizing chemokine receptor CCR6. Acute leukemia cell line HL60 served as a positive control for the detection of CCR6. Quantification has been performed using image J software * p < 0.05.