Figure 2.
PDI is induced in tangle-bearing neurons in AD. (A-C) Fluorescence photomicrographs of cortical sections from control (CTRL) and AD immunolabeled with anti-NeuN antibody (left panel, green) and anti-PDI antibody (middle panel, red). Note that PDI expression is increased in neurons (right panel, yellow) (A). Analysis of PDI-positive neurons (B) and PDI intensity per neuron (C) collected from 400-450 neurons in the temporal cortex from 4 control and 8 AD patients. Bar, 100 µm. (D, E) Fluorescence photomicrographs of cortical neurons immunolabeled with anti-AT8 antibody (green) and anti-PDI antibody (red) in sections of AD and control (D). Note that AT8-positive neurons (AT8+) show higher levels of PDI than AT8-negative neurons (AT8-) (E). Analysis of PDI levels in AT8 (-) and (+) neurons collected from 250 to 320 neurons in the temporal cortex of AD. Bar, 20 µm.