Fig. 3.
Resting B cells from B6.Sle1b exhibit enhanced antigen presentation to T cells. Varying numbers of resting B cells in triplicates from 2-month old B6.Sle1b (closed) or B6 (open) mice were incubated overnight in medium with a previously defined non-saturating concentration of ovalbumin of OVA (A, 100 μgs/ml) or peptide (B, 120 ngs/ml). Cells were then irradiated at 1,300 rads followed by the addition of decreasing numbers of purified OT-II T cells in triplicate wells. After 2 days [3H]TdR was added and cells harvested the next day. The average stimulation index of all samples from B6.Sle1b mice in (A) differed significantly from those from B6 mice (p≤0.05). In (C) the average fold enhancement was determined by dividing the stimulation indices of all samples from B6.Sle1b cells in this plus 4 subsequent experiments (using 2-4 month old mice) by the stimulation indices of corresponding samples from B6 mice.