Table 3.
Splitting Time, Effective Population Size Estimates and CIs in Different Studies.
Parameter | Caswell et al. (2008)a | Won and Hey (2005)b | Becquet and Przeworski (2007)c | This Studyd |
Eastern/central ancestor split time (Ma) | — | — | 0.22 (0.14–1.40) | 0.093 (0.041–0.157) |
Common chimpanzee ancestor split time (Ma) | 0.44 (0.37–0.51) | 0.42 (0.26–0.63) | 0.38 (0.27–0.94) | 0.46 (0.35–0.65) |
Common bonobo split time (Ma) | 1.11 (0.98–1.24) | 0.87e (0.59–1.33) | 0.77e (0.58–1.00) | 0.93 (0.68–1.54) |
Eastern Ne | — | — | 16,600e (5,100–71,800) | 8,200 (4,600–13,100) |
Central Ne | 118,000 (91,000–159,000) | 18,900e (12,800–30,000) | 23,100e (8,500–59,700) | 26,900 (16,100–43,900) |
Western Ne | 9,100 (8,100–10,000) | 6,000e (4,000–8,400) | 10,100e (7,700–21,100) | 7,400 (5,400–10,000) |
Bonobo Ne | — | — | 10,400e (7,800–15,200) | 8,500 (6,400–11,000) |
Eastern and central ancestor Ne | — | — | 46,000 (33,500–75,100) | 31,600 (18,600–54,000) |
Common chimpanzee ancestor Ne | 16,000 (12,400–19,600) | 4,600 (180–9,900) | 13,000e (2,200–22,400) | 7,100 (3,500–12,500) |
Common chimpanzee and bonobo ancestor Ne | 20,900 (16,400–25,500) | 11,900e (23–22,200) | 32,900 (22,200–48,700) | 16,800 (7,500–28,000) |
Split times adjusted for 6-My (rather than a 7 My) human/chimpanzee divergence. Intervals are 90% credible intervals estimated from bootstrap analyses.
Intervals are 90% highest posterior density values estimated from marginal posterior densities.
Split times adjusted for 6-My (rather than a 7 My) human/chimpanzee divergence. Intervals are 95% CIs.
Four-population model (fig. 5). CIs are 95% highest posterior density intervals estimated from marginal posterior densities.
The original study provided estimates from two or three pairwise analyses. Estimates are means from the original study. CIs represent the lowest and highest individual values reported from the pairwise analyses.