Figure 10.
Evaluating loop insertion models for residues 255-266 of T0438. PDB code: 2G39 (MCSG unpublished). a) Loop insertions (magenta) for the 9 distinct server models (backbone in brown) that declared the template 2G39 (blue), as compared to the actual insertion in T0438 (green) relative to 2G39. b) Correctly aligned insertion for model 002_1 with few geometry problems. c) Incorrectly aligned insertion with significant geometry problems. Red spikes are steric clashes with ≥ 0.5Å overlap of van der Waals radii, green kinks are Ramachandran outliers, gold sidechains are rotamer outliers, pink balls indicate Cβ atoms with excessive deviations from their ideal positions12, blue and red springs are too-short and too-long bond lengths, and blue and red fans are too-tight and too-wide bond angles.