Figure 3. A3 deaminases are the major editors of HBV DNA in vivo.
A) PCR and 3DPCR amplification at the normal and restrictive temperatures of 95°C and 88.7°C respectively. Sample codes are given above. Five 3DPCR samples identified by asterisks were chosen for cloning and sequencing. B) Summary of the unique hyperedited sequences in the form of the number and fraction of G→A (minus stand) edits, C→T (plus strand) and all other point mutations. The excess of GC→AT transitions over all other mutations varied from 23–40 fold. C) Clonal analysis using the number of TpC+CpC vs. GpC+ApC targets edited. The vast majority of patient sequences map to the area typical of APOBEC deaminases. D) Clonal analysis using the number of TpC vs. CpC targets edited. The majority of sequences map to the area typical of APOBEC3G (between 57–71% marked in bold face).